Terms of service.


The initial one to one coaching session is free of charge (not applicable to the small group coaching sessions). This is an opportunity to see whether the client would like to continue and commit to the paid course. This is . All payments must be received in full before the coaching package commences.

There are no refunds once the course begins and all cancellations of sessions must be made 24 hours in advance; wherever possible an alternate session can be arranged for all one to one sessions. However, if an alternate date is not possible the session will not be able to be refunded.


Jo Shearn Coaching reserve the right to change pricing at any time for any additional add-ons from time to time. For example, courses may be a certain price in a published deal but that price may increase or decrease over time like all commodities.

In addition, we reserve the right to change the pricing of any Jo Shearn Coaching offer at any time without notice but our policy is to review course costs twice yearly.

Our Promise

We will use all reasonable care and skill in providing the services you order under this agreement, but we do not guarantee any results of the services. Any decision you make having received any of our services are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take. If you wish to cancel your course then please remember the cancellation fee WILL be applied to your booking. Please read your terms and conditions before booking.

Unforeseen Events

We are entitled to delay or reduce the level and/or scope of service(s) (including session materials) if we are prevented from or hindered or delayed in obtaining or delivering the services (including session materials) as a result of any circumstances beyond our reasonable control. If it is not possible to meet in person due to unforeseen events then we will endeavour to move the sessions to an online platform such as Zoom.

General Issues

This agreement is the entire agreement between us and it supersedes any previous agreement between us relating to any services we provide, unless otherwise agreed in writing by us both. We both agree that by entering into this agreement, neither of us has relied on, and is not able to have any remedy, for any statement, promise, representation or understanding (whether it is made negligently or innocently) or any person other than what is expressly promised in this agreement. The only remedy available for breach of the promises in this agreement is for breach of contract. Nothing in this paragraph attempts to limit of exclude any liability for fraud.

No failure or delay in enforcing any of our rights under this agreement will prejudice or restrict those rights. If we waive our rights to require you to comply with this agreement it will not operate as a waiver or any further exercise of the aright and a waiver of any breach will not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach.

We both agree that each provision of this agreement is severable and distinct from any other. If any part of this agreement is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, we both agree that the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of the agreement is not affected.

No terms of this agreement are intended of the benefit of any third party, except where expressly stated in this agreement, and we both agree that it is not intended that and term of this agreement should be enforceable by a third party under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. If you choose to make an order, these terms and conditions only apply to that order and not to any future orders.

Privacy policy

Jo Shearn Coaching takes your privacy seriously. In general, we use the personal information that we collect from you to identify personal preferences and match your needs with relevant products, and process any orders that you may make through our website. We will not share any data with any other parties.

Customer Feedback and Complaints

We welcome your questions and comments. Should you wish to contact us, please send an email to joshearn@icloud.com